Top 5 Favorite Fashion Blogs and Youtubers
Everyone draws inspiration from somewhere. For me, I’m constantly trying to find new fashion blogs to follow.
Everyone draws inspiration from somewhere. For me, I’m constantly trying to find new fashion blogs to follow. Honestly, following these blogs and YouTubers is what got me into pursuing fashion. I’ve always loved pairing outfits together and seeing what new twist I can come up with for a top I’ve worn 1,000 times.
I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed writing. When I switched my major from English to Journalism I had sort of a melt down. What do I want to do with journalism? I certainly did not want to be stuck in a court room all day. I wanted to write about things that I’m passionate about.
I have been reading fashion blogs for a quite a while now, but just recently it struck me: Why don’t I write about fashion? I certainly enjoy it. It just never occurred to me that I could be the one that people follow for fashion advice and tips. However, I’m finally beginning what I want to do in life and I could not be more thrilled. It will be a slow going process trying to learn the gist of things and get my blog together, but I know it will be worth it in the end because it is something that I love.
So here are my top five favorite fashion blogs and YouTubers that have inspired me to pursue my dreams:
5. Ohabioh

I am obsessed with Ohabioh’s unique sense of style. She tends to go for a grunge look. I first found out about her from her Instagram and it took off from there. She is self employed, running her own online store where she sells painted phone cases and crafted jewlery. All of which is completely made by hand. The designs are simply stunning.

Ohabioh is one of the first people who made me believe that it’s possible to be self employed and that I should strive after what I love. It is so incredibly inspiring to see women who are passionate and that are succeeding in life.
4. Kalel Kitten

I went back and forth on whether or not to include Kalel in this list, but I had to. There was no denying that she has had an impact on my life. Although she is more of a YouTube vlogger more than a fashion guru, she has been going to school for fashion and hopes to one day create her own clothing line (she has not given an update on this in a while so I am not 100 percent sure she is still in school).
I have been watching Kalel on Youtube since she first started off as QueenBeauty. Since then, she has gone through a number of phases. What I love about her is that her style is always in flux. She’s constantly switching things up and refuses to stick to just one style. Her most recent style is what she calls “Rocker/Sex Kitten” where she wears a lot of black clothing and bondage inspired outfits.
This article was originally written by Emily Nilla Austin and appeared on Medium on April 18, 2015. You can read the rest of the article on Medium.